Mike O'Brien for Chico City Council

Meet Mike O'Brien

Retired Chico Police Chief Mike O'Brien officially announced his candidacy for Chico City Council District 1 today. With a distinguished career in law enforcement and previous service on the Chico City Council, O'Brien brings a wealth of experience and proven commitment to building a safer community for all.

Having served as Chico’s police chief for 5 years, O'Brien's dedication to public safety is unparalleled. His extensive background in law enforcement equips him with the knowledge and skills necessary to address the evolving challenges facing our community. O'Brien has a proven track record of meeting challenges, and implementing effective strategies to keep neighborhoods, businesses, and public spaces safe for all of Chico’s residents.

O'Brien's prior appointment to the city council to fill a short-term vacancy showcased his ability to navigate complex issues and make thoughtful and informed decisions for the betterment of the community. His depth of experience provides him with a foundation to help guide Chico through whatever challenges lie ahead.

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